Equipment Improvement

Equipment Parts:
Basic equipment includes 7 types of parts:
⚔️ Weapon, 👘 Clothing, 🎩 Hat, 👞 Shoes, 📿 Necklace, 💍 Ring (×2).
Fashion equipment includes 5 types of parts:
👗 Fashion, 😷 Mask, 🎀 Headwear, 🦋 Back accessory, 🦊 Tail.
Come and match the strongest equipment to create your unique style!

Equipment Grades:
Equipment grade determines the strength of the equipment.
The higher the grade, the stronger the power! 💪✨
Currently, the available equipment grades are from Grade 1 to Grade 7.
Come level up your equipment!
Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7
White Light Green Sky Blue Bright Yellow Purple Dark Red Bright Red Bright Purple

Equipment Crafting:
Players can craft 6 types of basic equipment ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 7.
As the equipment level and grade increase, the difficulty of obtaining crafting materials will gradually rise!
When crafting equipment of a specific grade, corresponding grade Gem is required. ⚡
Please note that crafting may fail. Only by using 5 Gems will the success rate be guaranteed at 100% !
🔨 Crafting location and required materials:
Crafting LocationRequired Materials
⚔️ Weapon天羽城 铁匠(327,194)制作材料火精魂
👘 Clothing天羽城 裁缝(333,180)制作材料铁精魂
🎩 Hat天羽城 裁缝(333,180)制作材料核精魂
👞 Shoes天羽城 裁缝(333,180)制作材料结精魂
📿 Necklace天羽城 炼金师(300,210)制作材料金精魂
💍 Ring天羽城 炼金师(300,210)制作材料金精魂

Magic-rune of Equipment:
灵 纹法 纹
物 防物理防御、双伤减免物理防御、双伤减免
法 防法术防御、双伤减免法术防御、双伤减免
物 破物理攻击、破除免伤
法 破法术攻击、破除免伤
物 爆物理攻击、暴 击
法 爆法术攻击、暴 击
装备灵纹/法纹可以找真灵离殇(天羽城 95,161)兑换,或在商城购买。

Blessing of Goddess / Dragon Bone:
武神赐福 is an extraordinary power that can be used to enhance equipment levels.
古龙化石 is a mystical material that can be used to enhance equipment quality.
It can only be used on equipment with a certain level. Left-click and drag it onto the equipment to use.
But please note, the same piece of equipment can only be evolved/enhanced once!
They can be obtained by defeating Boss of Field Maps, with a chance to drop. You will need sufficient strength and patience!